
I’m Ruben De Smet, I’m about (current_year-1995) years old, and do stuff with computers.

Because I (usually) like computers, I am currently working as a post doctor researcher in privacy engineering. Sometimes, people contact me for some weekend work. Have a look at my curriculum vitae (ook beschikbaar in het Nederlands), if that might be of interest!

I also like Rust, GNU, free software, and Linux. My favorite operating systems are Arch Linux, Fedora and SailfishOS.

I have accounts on several online platforms; you can find links in the bottom of this page. I am not a used of Facebook. You can also contact me by Signal on @rubdos.95 and e-mail (me [at] rubdos [dot] be). Just make sure to substitute [dot] and [at] with “.” and “@”.

rubdos.95 on Signal

If you ever need to share a file with me, you can use

my Nextcloud